Loek van der Hagen – David Murray [Event "Hppgeveen Open"] [Site "Hoogeveen, Netherlands"] [Date "20181020"] [Round "138"] [White "Van Der Hagen, Loek"] [Black "Murray, David"] [Result "1-0"] e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cd4 Nd4 Qc7 Nc3 e6 Be3 a6 Qd2 Nf6 f3 Bb4 O-O-O O-O g4 b5 h4 Nd4 Qd4 Qa5 Kb1 d6 h5 Bb7 g5 Nd7 g6 e5 Qd2 Rac8 h6 fg6 hg7 Rf7 Qh2 Rg7 Nd5 Bd5 ed5 Nf8 Bd3 Qc7 Bh6 Rf7 Bf8 Kf8 Bg6 hg6 Qh8 Ke7 Qh4 Ke8 Qb4 Qc2 Ka1 Kd7 Qa5 Rf3 Qa6 g5 Qb5 Ke7 Rh7 Kf6 Rh6 Kf5 Qd7 Kf4 Rf6 Ke3 Rf3 Kf3 Qh3 Ke2 Qf1 Ke3 Qh3 Ke2 Qg4 Kf2 Qg1 Kf3 Rf1 Ke4 Qg4 Kd5 Rd1 Qd1 Qd1 Kc6 Qg4 Rf8 a3 Kd5 Qg5 Ke4 Qg6 Kd5 Kb1 e4 Qg5 Kc4 Qc1 Kd4 Qd2 Ke5 Qc3 Ke6 a4 d5 a5 Rd8 Qd4 Rd6 b4 your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard; alternatively your wordpress theme might suppress the html iframe tag from articles or excerpts